Notes from Jill Eggleton
Feed forward Jill Eggleton /Conferences
- Being reminded that modelling is an uninterrupted time of the teacher showing how they write a sentence.
- Responding to the message straight away - positive feedback.
- Reading their published work like a storyteller.
- Can have1 independent group and 1 group working on word work while you work with modelling group and then teaching group.
- Keeping things short
- Story ideas that inspire emotions and passion
- Shared experiences
- Share awesome pieces of writing and be a writer yourself
- Reading the ‘Lighting the Literacy Fire’ book was helpful to consolidate and understand what Jill shared on the night
- Adding poetry into programme with more consistency
- Going back and looking at the resources in the Key Links Writing box was helpful - the conferencing cards for teacher are a good tool
- Creating shared experiences to have something to write about.
- Publishing is correct grammar
- Responding in written form to the meaning .
Jill Eggleton feedback - discussed how to run the writing programme and include mirrored writing and shared writing. We agreed that leaving the ‘modelling group’ might not be helpful to their learning if we are not there to support them. We agreed that it needs to be kept short and that whole class modelled/shared writing is really helpful to year ones and new entrants. We were reminded to make sure publishing is getting done also.
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