Chris May - St Columbus Catholic School
Running with a Hurricane - educating boys for manhood
Boys Learning - Programme in Practice.
Running with a Hurricane - educating boys for manhood
Boys Learning - Programme in Practice.
- philosophy of care
- Nga Tama Toa - empowering boys to be great men - group he set up
- book is the voice for children, ask what they need to be successful
- has own experience of no skills, feeling failure
boys lead the way in referrals for reading, writing, other aspects of curriculum
behaviour is affective to learning
male suicide rate second highest in the world
capability - the way to change behaviour or attitude change their view of the world
- do this with boys - a man vs the man
- growth mindset, perseverance
How children are viewed is how they behave.
Give them the opportunity to be viewed in a different way.
Contribute to a community or a household - change in behaviour, view of their world
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Table discussion on Play Based Learning
It was good to hear what other teaches are doing. Teachers at Hillcrest sound well on their way in their implementing PBL. It resonated with me the comment that the teacher finds it easier to comment and describe, scaffold etc in play when it is 'free' play as opposed to guided play.
Table discussion on Play Based Learning
It was good to hear what other teaches are doing. Teachers at Hillcrest sound well on their way in their implementing PBL. It resonated with me the comment that the teacher finds it easier to comment and describe, scaffold etc in play when it is 'free' play as opposed to guided play.
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