Connected Evening - Open Meeting 2

 Endeavour School
We have allocated a table to a topic that was requested during sign up time. This time around we've created some questions and listed a resource for each table. We'd love for you to add to these and be prepared to share your own experiences - they are provided as a starting point if necessary. Here is a link to the doc which is a work in progress!We do recommend that you bring a device along with you. 
Programme for Open Meeting 2, 2017
 Using the "What, So What, Now What?" process of reflection as part of your reflection for your TAI (Teaching as Inquiry).
Teacher Enquiry sits within blog, and tags to TRC.

What? So What? What Now?
Collaborative teaching:

What is working?
What is proving a challenge?
Have you any WOW moments?
How are you managing planning and assessment?

There doesnt seem to be that much discussion or sharing of experiences around NE, junior teaching.  Much of it lies with senior classes.

There are different ways/contexts to explore collaborative teacing
  • is it working in a collaborative space?  ie many teachers with their own children/class but in one space?
  • is it two (or three) teachers working together (sometimes) via a shared door between their rooms?
  • or is it, in my case 2 teachers working in one room, with one large class of children.
I was really keen to hear ideas etc about this, but this was not an experience shared. 
