Images are Everything
Stuart Kelly
Presenter Bio
DP, teacher, edtech advocate. #GoogleET, #GCE (L2). #edtechteam summit host & spotlight speaker, #digitaledchat host, @NZMindlab. Learner, dreamer! #devices4all
Attendees will learn all the cool stuff that can be done with Google photos and Images! Attendees must bring a smart phone and computer.
At the start it was a little challenging for me, as some of the 'tech speak' was a little over my head.
But then I was quite happy to see that in fact my knowledge is growing constantly in regards to understanding google and its functions. I could follow along with what Stuart was showing us, and learnt some easy ways in which to save google images to the cloud, and then reuse them in class.
Stuart's presentation is here but it was very much a hands on workshop, learning how to find the photos and apply them.
We were introduced to padlets, but these would be used with much older children.
What was most valuable was my saves, and how to put photos in here and manage them.
Stuart them showed us how to make movies from our phones - with android he used Vysor, but with iphone we can use camera Roll. Choices are - collage, animation, movie - filters
Adobe Spark - for movie making - template you can drop images into
Google photos
Photo app on phone
Quik video - go pro app
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