Using Technology to Engage Families Remotely - StoryPark webinar

This was a webinar presented by StoryPark, a similar platform to Seesaw.

An interesting webinar, as there was quite explicit contact with parents made about what they wanted for their child in terms of home learning.  Parents were asked what their goals or aspirations were for their children at this time.  Survey Monkey was used. 

Equipment was sent home to families to support the child's interests and skills. Eg if a child's passion was Lego at school, and they had no Lego at home, then this would be provided for.

There was a focus on individual work for each child, based again on skills, interests, abilities. 

Children were given a long time to explore provocations - eg a few weeks to explore magnet play, looking at metal and non-metal objects. 

Science provocations that could be explored at home were common - stage opportunities to make predictions,  (eg the magnet play).

All activities are posted on the community page in Storypark - so all can see.
Then individualised work children were learning/they were engaged in before LD was supported.

Some parent education - support parents understanding of what learning is happening in an activity, so when an activity is posted it includes what children will learn.  The teacher is articulating the value of play. 

One teacher had a go at virtual mat time. 

