The Joy of Play - Virtual Conference

  Rhonda PB Learning- January

I attended Longworth Education The Joy of Play Educators Conference (virtual), in the last week of the holidays.  It focused on learning through play in the primary sector, with practitioners sharing their play journeys, some in key areas.

Transition to School was a specific interest of mine, and I felt reassured that what we do at HES was what the presenter was suggesting, although there are always ways to improve and better our practice with new ideas.  Another presentation was about looking at play through a tikanga and te reo lens (I think it was aimed at KKM), but led me to think about teaching tikanga practices in play - eg at the family corner. 

Joseph Driessen’s talk on play and boys was fantastic, I was constantly going yes, ys, yes!  Once I got past the boy/girl gender lens he had some really useful ideas about incorporating role models and heros into boys play (I have shared this with Jude). 

In many presentations there was reference to Piaget’s stages of development (pre-operational and concrete operational), and how this has an influence on when children are ready for formal learning.  With the Maori presentation, there was a suggestion that this age is 12.  I loved that there were so many different perspectives that really got you thinking! 

I have unpacked a little of what I think works for us in the Kowhai Team around play and using the framework of notice, recognise and respond (a framework that has come from ECE!)

Looking forward I would like to meet once or twice a term with teachers that are interested in exploring play pedagogy further, continuing in our journey as a school.  (I would also like to update the PBL info in the Curriculum). 

I am able to share some but not all of the presentations.  This one is very good.

Sarah Aiono presentation
