Associate Teachers Course

Clark McPhillips:  University of Waikato

Role of AT: 

a consistent positive teacher role model, with sound knowledge of curriculum and effective

modern classroom teaching practice.

- able to provide examples of written planning, communicate effectively about the school

requirements and the pre-service teacher’s responsibilities.

- able to give quality feedback, both positive and negative, written and verbal, in a professional

manner to both the pre-service teacher and lecturers.

- make time to plan and give feedback on a regular basis to their pre-service teacher.

- willing to provide opportunities for pre-service teachers to try new ideas, to take risks, and who

is willing to let the pre-service teacher project their own person.

Important to let student make mistakes so they can learn from these.

Responsibility of Student:

• set practicum goals based on their previous practicum experience.

• make contact with the school and visit with the Associate Teacher prior to the practicum


Discuss planning with Associate Teacher and together timetable to achieve:

Faculty of Education requirements

 personal goals and focuses.

• become involved in activities in the school beyond the classroom.

• make time to discuss planning, written critiques and formal reports with their Associate Teacher.

• have planning to their Associate to be approved and initialled at least 24 hours prior to when it is

to be taught.

• be aware of the evaluative lecturer’s visit times and focuses.

• take responsibility for their own learning from advice and guidance provided.

• establish professional relationships with children, teacher colleagues, school support staff,

parents and others.

• use initiative - try new ideas.

• ask for clarification/help.

Failing Practicum:
If you see student is wobbling or not sure, then it's important to get onto this early as possible.  They may need more support/guidance/direction.

Year 3:
Student needs to be fully involved.
Has specific tasks to do, so first week should be observing, planning etc.
Important to take students back to practicum book as this is what they need to achieve.
Feedback/feed forward is essential.  Written and verbal.
Marginal students - there is support on how to write these reports
Liaison person in early to sort out any issues
No more that 3 days away, if going to be away needs to be up to date
Failing: liaison teacher has the last say.  They basically get another chance. Has to be triangulated

where students should be at different phases of their practicum

remember they are students, not beginning teachers

Planning: needs to show:
depth of knowledge
learning objectives
planning should look OTT, then can go down, as becoming more confident and knowing what they are doing
planning needs to be to AT a minimum 24 hrs before lesson, but would be good to see overall planning for the week 
there are high expectations around planning

AT written feedback:
feedback/feed forward - needs to be a balance.  
Use google docs
where you want them to head to is important to feedback on
'Solid' feedback

Facilitative Mentoring Roles:
critical friend
assor/provider of feedback

Goal Clarity and Rapport:

Framing Strategic questions:
solution-orientated questions imply competence -
what did you learn from that
how did you know how to do that
what helped
what else
what might you differently next time
