Dispositional Learning

I have been reflecting on our planning tool for Taakaro Time, and feel that to be really embracing play based learning we should be using tools that support the diverse and rich learning that occurs in play.
I felt that we needed to go back to learning dispositions.  These are a great framework on which to hang learning in really positive and holistic ways. 

Dispositions are combinations of children's emerging knowledge, skills and attitudes to learning. Positive dispositions for learning include courage and curiosity, trust and playfulness, perseverance, confidence and responsibility.

Guy Claxton and Margaret Carr write extensively about learning dispositions.  I found this interesting blog about Claxton and Carr and dispositions.

Previously we have been using specific learning outcomes in the plan, but by using a dispositional framework allows for a richer and more varied assessment of learning, and based on a credit perspective.

I used the Carr article on Dispositions and Key Competencies, so that we could clearly see the alignment between the two.

I plan to monitor how our practice may change with this new planning tool.
