Wiremu Puke

Wiremu Puke:
Ngati Wairere
Ngati Porou

Scrutinizes archeological requests for sites.

Anthropological perspective.

Ngati Wairere - the sense of place and importance has been a battle with Council.

Faculty of Science, associate researcher, advisor, UOW.

Te Timiatanga - Tawhiao. second Maori King.

Hamilton settled because of the fertile soils - now Garden Place.

Burial ground in the Grey St cutting - Tawhiao came to here.  HES was probably an old pa site.

Nga Rangatira o Kirikiriroa o Mua

Te Puke Waharoa, (Ngati Wairere), Te Roore Taatangi (Ngati Koura)

Confiscated land - burial grounds attacked, bones needed to be exhumed.

Nga Morehu - last living survivor of Kirikiriroa Pa, present at Rangiaowhia.

Kirikiriroa Pa was moved out to Gordonton.

Survey maps have places in the wrong location.  eg Te Rapa should be by the Hospital.

Te Puea's grandfather was Serancke.

The place of Ngati Haua - not a subtribe of Wairere.

Ngati Wairere were branded as rebels as they were Kingites.

Landmarks - Te Papanui, Kahikatea forest,

Upokororo - extinct fish.  Found in the swamps around this area.

Miropiko Pa - found an old pou in the same spot as the new one.

9 different sub hapu of Wairere that lived along the river.

Mangaharakeke Pa - largest on river - behind Te Rapa dairy factory.

Opoia Pa - Sonning carpark.  Chief Poukawa

A lot of Hamilton was swamp.

Armagh St - old pa site.

Marae and hangi are reasonably new words, umu was used.

Nga Moteatea - stories of old recorded in these.

Our gateway carving needed to be updated.

Correct whakapapa is important and connected to the here and now.

Patterns are not our ancesteral patterns but names are correct.

Lizard has a name.

Duck Island - Hotumauea was the chief of the pa, escaped from a war party, swing across the river on a branch onto duck island.   Grandson of Koura.

Mataumoeawa was the son of Koura.  They built Miropiko.

