Handwriting - Cathy Baine

Cathy Baine – handwriting – multi sensory structured language (MSL) dyslexic and struggling learners.

Why – to develop accuracy, fluency and automaticity and consolidate sound to symbol correspondences.

When we write it has to travel from right to left.

2 types of dyslexia –
phonological – can’t hear sounds
surface – can hear and isolate but can’t write them

writing is harder than reading
writing need to know a symbol, attach the sound the write a word.

Muscle from middle finger to motor cortex – impt to start large, get movement moving, get directly to motor cortex.

Chalk, big movements.

Confusions – writing - wrong image is coming forward.  Takes a while to change the image.  130 x of writing it correctly. Present prompt for them, a visual they can see. 

Visual perception – reading confusion

Seating for handwriting – poor core strength – need to be at table 90 degrees.

Pencil grip – 5 – 7.5.  window of time to correct.

Dynamic tripod
Two finger tripod

Point towards you = pincer grip, pick it up, lock it in

Vivid line where they need to hold it.

Too hard – mechanical pencil – will break so they learn to press softly.

Spacing – Mr Space man – on finger, dot, dot and a smile.

Hand eye foot dominance – paper placement

Hand to mouth is the strongest sign.  Quickly pick one up

Foot dominance – gentle push to see which foot first

Eye dominance –

Need to teach letter and sound together.

Need to teach pure sound.  Not a/apple/ah

Scaffold – help them with what’s needed.

Sparklebox – letter formation resources.

Green dot red dot.
