CORE Ed Te Whaariki article

Te Whāriki at home: strategies for supporting young children’s learning.

This is an excellent blog from Kathryn O'Connell-Sutherland about:

Three big ideas:
1. Mana and rights – what does it look like, feel like, and sound like?
2. An integrated approach to learning/curriculum

3. Holistic development

The environment and resources:
Art ideas from the Tiny Studio by Dr Lisa Terreni – videos onetwo and three.

PLAY matters!

Learning in Everyday Moments:
Managing themselves and expressing their feelings and needs
Understanding how things work here and adapting to change
Showing respect for kaupapa, rules, and the rights of others
Recognising and appreciating their own ability to learn
Expressing their feelings and ideas using a wide range of materials and modes
Playing, imagining, inventing and experimenting

The Role of the Adult 
Noticing, recognising, responding to learning

Strategies for guiding behaviour.
