Anaru Morgan

Whakapapa - how tipuna arrived - Paikea, Hokioi, waka

Manu of our school - karakia to reflect this


Karakia o te Ruru - to start the day.

the difference between karakia to Christian god, or to the Atua -

Karakia - aspects of your environment - tipua

Pepeha is a story - pepeha o te kura

Ngati Wairere needs to OK the pepeha

Concept of culture - ko wai matou

Importance of whakapapa - connections, safety, direction, mana
Ko wai koe?  where are you from?

to uplift Maori students need to know who they are - about them.

whakapapa celebration in school

check in with Ka Hikitia.

Korero ?

Te Kahui Mangai - iwi maps

Korero Tuku Iho - stories passed down to us.

Notion of Pokai - sharing food, from raupatu/confiscation of land, not food, people starved.

Te Takanga o te wa - Maori history resource

Tuapapa - base from which to grow needs to be strong

Stories from our river

At the gate - who is this place for?  How does it feel?  What 'signs' are up - who are these signs for, inviting?

Mihi is a greeting
Pepeha is your story about you

Classroom Paepae:
Kaikarakia - each has a turn at leading karakia - karakia tatou
kaikorero - mihi  - ata marie e hoa ma
Pepeha -

5 kupu a week -
displays - including kupu

Maori role models on display

Kaiawhina - teacher aid

Enrolment - important process.

Welcomed into classroom - child to look after new child. (kaitiaki)

Invite whanau back into class - build connections.

Mihi whakatau.

Poroporoaki as well.

Tipua - supernatual guardian/being

Reporting labels - bilingual.

End comments - as a learner.
